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Telephone: 212 249-0167


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The following are registered service marks, trademarks, collective marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, Functional Integration®, FI®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, and The Feldenkrais Guild®. The following are trademarks, service marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: L'intégration fonctionnelleSM, Prise de conscience par le mouvementSM, Friends Of FeldenkraisSM, Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement TeacherCM, FeldenkraisTM and The Feldenkrais JournalTM.
